Selling hc sell my Account lvl 102 ( 60k 102k exp ) , vip...

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nicolas Simón La Regla Giacomozzi, 7/20/16.

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  1. Nicolas Simón La Regla Giacomozzi

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    hc sell my Account lvl 102 ( 60k 102k exp ) , vip 9 heroes " Necessary " in R , R + 1 and R 2 and + 11k in gems . server 92, sell it for personal reasons does accept paypal , if Chile CuentaRUT The Account esta Among the top 100 server, Power team is on the 28th with 67748 Power , and held by all the heroes in The since 90 . TO BID
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