Selling HC Lvl 100, VIP 13, 25k+ Gems

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by damknight, 5/1/16.

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  1. damknight

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    Hey Everyone,

    WTS my HC account, here's an album link for all photos:

    As you can see this is a high end account on an early server (above 20 but below 100)
    VIP 13, nearly 14, 29600 points away.
    Coins: 17k+ GA, 76k+ Guild, 1.7m+ Soulshop, 23k+ Arena, 200k+ Crusade, 5k+ Guildwars (buying heroes)
    25k+ gems and increasing everyday even though i use them due to easily being able to reach rank 1 in arena
    In top guild, won 4/6 guildwars. If you're having bad arena luck you can just trade places, they're really active and friendly
    Chaps 15-18
    Permanent God father and troll merchant shops
    Entered Elite preliminaries easily and i bet it'll reach next set as well, depends if i want it badly enough (gems)
    Cookie cutter heroes at r+1 but have enough gear to do around 2-3 other heroes, i'll leave the choice up to the new owner.
    Anything else just ask.

    Willing to use a middleman/escrow. Either you can or i will make a new account to bind, either iOS or android, currently android.

    Looking for around ~3000 euros ONO
    Paypal as a gift or bitcoins
    Advertised elsewhere
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  2. OP

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    ~45k Gems,
    3 starred old and new content
    lvl 101
    More r1 heroes
    more unlocked heroes, only missing 3 heroes in total (as of writing this)
    some r2 heroes, including puppet master
    guild won last 2 tourneys and confident that we'll win this one.
    4 star demon assassin
    griff and others lower star above have more stars now.
    and loads more.
    I really want to stop playing HC so am slashing my price to ~2100 euros, or make me a monetary value offer
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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