Selling HC Account - Lvl 106 - VIP16 - 140k gems - 1 950 000 ahp

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Chaka83, 7/5/17.

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  1. Chaka83

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    Hi !

    I'm selling my account due to my new job taking me too much time to manage HC in the same time.

    I was on Quarter Finals on current Championship.

    Some infos about the account :
    - Lvl 106 : 90k/292k to lvl 107
    - VIP 16 : 342000 points
    - 140k gems (I use 3k gems per day so it can be a little less in some days)
    - 1 950 000 ahp
    - 285 700 Grand power
    - 97 430 Team power
    - 625 on 625 Heroes stars
    - Server 100 (so leaves some nice places to migrate if needed)

    Heroes, always full geared :
    - 12 R3
    - 88 R2
    - 2 R1
    - The 24 last are R
    - 48 x full trained heroes
    - 6 x half trained
    - 12 x 1/3 trained

    Device : Android
    Line ID : chaka83

    Please contact me on Line app in you are interested.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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