Selling Have to leave Game sell my top Account cheap (ancient vampire)

Discussion in 'Rise of Mythos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RiseofMythos, 3/28/15.

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  1. RiseofMythos

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    Hey unfortunalety my girlfriend got a bit wild and forces me to quit the game or she leaves me..
    So i have to sell my account...
    I am usaully top 15 ranked in 1vs1 and top 8 in 2vs2.
    The account aslo includes more than:

    9000+ GOLD
    1.3Million+ Silver
    1300 rubies
    700+ tower coins
    700+ pvp coins

    The account inclues not only a lot of stong cards like for exaple: Godlike [King Vel'Assar] (not soulbound)
    and legendary:
    [King Vel'Assar] (y also a legenday one and also not souldbound) [Oracle Priestess El][Set][Magic Fist Simon][Pallas Athena][Calico Jack][Cain the Traitor][Desperate Soul][Smasha' Rulk][Mifzuna the Wind][Fenris the Butcher][Demon Hunter Azrael][Juliet]["Iron Fists" Tallis][Eacann the Charger][Lettice Twinstrike][Loki][Aeneas the Scourge]
    there are more good legendarys but i wil lstop the list here for more informations you can ask..

    Also tons of epics like:
    [Healer Wyte][Achilles][Trojan Hoplite][Sekhmet][Oracle Priestess El][Magic Fist Simon][Velyn the Unscarred][Juliet][Famous Pugilist][Eacann the Charger][Goddess of Light][Desperate Soul][Goddess of Undead][Valikastraz][Judge Samael][Soaring Hazel][Savior Carella][Smasha' Rulk][Werewolf Howler][Feles Enchantress][Feles High Enchantress][Master Skritch][Mifzuna the Wind] and lots and lots and lots more of epics

    My Inventory is also filled with very useful lstuff like [Legendary Gem][Epic Gem][Human Spirit Stone][Human Soul Stone][Survival Guide][Holy Book][Scroll of Magic][Strategic Map][Elixir of Life] tons of quest items equipe and and and..

    OK now about the price since the 9000 Gold alone cost nearly about 200 dollars and the cards are obviosly a lot more worth it would be nice if you could gimme at least like 150 dollars payable by paypall (at least prefered)
    but if you have lower offers you can try your luck too. I will take highest offer or autosell at 200 dollars.
    If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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