Selling Harpies Hunting Ground full mai deck stage 33 kuriboh open to trades

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by derptwo, 3/26/17.

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  1. derptwo

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    full HHG deck including skill. Also has yami yugi with cerb and 1 union attack + the farming skill.

    Has shere kuriboh 3x birdface! the atmosphere 2x jerry beans man 2x enemy controller only possible missing card is mirror wall but u can get that at your leisure as the pack isnt going away. The sphere kuriboh was a major get and it came the same day i got the HHG skill drop!

    I will list other cards: 3x thuder dragon 3x polymer 1x twin headed t. dragon 2x reinforcements 2x wonder balloons 1x shard of greed 1x magical arm shield 1x sonic bird 1x divine grace northkewmo 1x kaisar seahorse 1x rising energy 1x blue eyes ultimate dragon

    I'm looking to trade this account or sell for bitcoin. Possibly steam codes. I would really like a star wars force arena account. I would throw in a Naruto blazing account with several limit broken narutos and others for a really great force arena account.

    Currently gold 1 and 2million points into the event. 8k keys atm and 300k gold.
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