Sold [H] XXL Enamorus (Humungo mark) & normal Enamorus [W] Paypal, codes, events

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/Dahks, 12/4/24.

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  1. /u/Dahks

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    • Pokémon: Enamorus XXL (Humungo mark) ♀ | Ball: premier ball | Shiny: No | Language: Any | LVL: 25 | OT: [CUSTOM] | ID: 660090* | Origin: Raid, self-caught in alt-account | Proof: PoGo Stamp + video of transfer (showing that it's XXL in PoGo) | Price: at least 60$ + fees (auction)
    • Pokémon: Enamorus ♀ | Ball: premierball | Shiny: No | Language: Any | LVL: 20 or 25 | OT: [CUSTOM] | ID: 660090* | Origin: Raid, self-caught in alt-account | Proof: PoGo Stamp | Price: 4$ + fees

    * ID of the Pokémon may change depending on the language you choose.

    Right now the Pokémon is untraded. I could trade it for a chance at different IVs (people want Enamorus with low attack) but I can't guarantee anything. Since you can only trade mons once in PoGo, I will only do this after payment.

    I'd like to see if there's enough interest to auction this off. As far as I know an XXL Enamorus is pretty rare since it was only obtainable once in Elite raids.

    I'm also interested in KZD codes or birthday codes as part of the payment, but we'll need to see which ones first. Also interested in events with video proof, but please provide a price in $ for each event you're offering.



    # #/Dahks
    . .
    #1 /u/Dahks, 12/4/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/14/24
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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