Sold [H] Watch_Dogs 2 uPlay Activation Key [W] $20 or Offers

Discussion in 'Steam Games/Gifts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/Binky3000, 1/30/17.

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  1. /u/Binky3000

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    I got WD2 free with a microphone and don't want the key. If you're happy to grab the games bellow from the Humble Bundle sale and gift them to me I'm happy to trade.

    Key is valid only in the USA, Canada, Mexico & Brazil

    Here is the breakdown of prices as I see them on the Humble Store:

    • Dropsy - $2.49
    • Life is Strange - $4.99
    • Table Top Simulator - $9.99
    • Tomb Raider: Anniversary - $2.24

    Total: $19.71

    # #/Binky3000
    # .
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