Sold [h] Warframe / Aion account [w] PayPal

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/itsVanille, 3/26/17.

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  1. /u/itsVanille

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    Aion screen:

    SIN Level 70
    48/80 GP
    326 days left
    1kk ap - 121 ceranium medals
    Kaisinel's Feather Attack +9
    Atreia wings +10
    All Stigmas
    Martial Arts Motion
    250kk+150kk~ on the broker
    PVP Gear:
    Arena dagger +0 --> illusion para gs, shimmering dragon skin
    Rank 1 sword +13 --> illusion para gs, shimmering dragon skin
    Arena bow (fuse with adma bow) +0 --> Movement slow illusion gs
    (Alt Rank 1 dagger +13 --> blu para gs)
    Full rank1 armor +13 --> Composite atk/m.acc crit/m.acc
    Full Arena armor +0 --> Full Accuracy 29
    Full Rune Hero accessories --> Necklace +5, Earring +5
    Rune Hero Hat
    PVE Gear (2 pieces crit+19, 4 atk+5/hp47 comp, 1 mix of atk+5/hp / crit 19):
    Rune Hero dagger +10 --> 3% 2k water gs, Makarna skin
    Rune Hero sword +10 --> 3% 2k water gs, RST (tower) skin
    Full Rune Hero armor set +10 --> Bunny Costume
    Brigade General Vasharti Hat --> Bunny Hat
    On the same server (all with grendal returnee's event gear):
    -Level 66 Templar
    -Level 66 Sm
    -Level 66 Sorcerer
    -Level 67 Cleric (naked)
    -Level 66 Ranger
    -Level 66 Glad

    Warframe screen:

    264 days login
    Completed Equipement 342/368
    Credits: 2.3mil
    Plat: 81
    Ducats: 25
    Endo: 60,049
    Focus school: Naramon (shadow step max, crit buff, cooldown reduction max) - Zenurik (Energy per sec max - cooldown reduction max)
    Warframes 35 slots (I have all warframes with a potato on, listing only the ones that have forma or lenses on):
    -Ash Prime Zenurik
    -Banshee Prime 2 forma Madurai
    -Chroma 6 forma Zenurik
    -Ember Prime 2 forma
    -Equinox 2 forma Madurai
    -Excalibur 4 forma Naramon
    -Frost Prime 4 forma
    -Inaros 2 forma
    -Ivara Zenurik
    -Loki Prime Naramon
    -Max Prime 1 forma
    -Mesa 5 forma
    -Mirage 4 forma
    -Nekros Prime 2 forma
    -Nidus 3 forma
    -Nova Prime 1 forma
    -Oberon 4 forma
    -Rhino Prime 1 forma
    -Saryn Prime 2 forma Madurai
    -Trinity Prime 2 forma Zenurik
    -Volt Prime 2 forma
    -Wukong 2 forma
    -Zephyr 2 forma
    Primary weapons (96 weapon slots - listing only weapon with forma on/worth mentioning) (name+forma+Lenses on it):
    -Amprex 5 forma
    -Boltor Prime
    -Braton Prime 3 forma
    -Dera Vandal
    -Dex Sybaris 4 forma
    -Ferrox 4 forma
    -Hema 4 forma
    -Ignis 4 forma
    -Ignis Wraith
    -Javlok 1 forma
    -Karak Wraith
    -Lanka 5 forma
    -Latron Prime
    -Prisma Gorgon
    -Prisma Grakatas
    -Quanta Vandal 2 forma
    -Rakta Cernos 2 forma
    -Sancti Tigris 4 forma
    -Secura Penta 1 forma
    -Soma Prime 4 forma
    -Supra 5 forma
    -Synoid Simulor 2 forma
    -Tigris Prime 1 forma
    -Tonkor 6 forma Zenurik
    -Vaykor Hek 2 forma
    -Vectis Prime 2 forma
    Secondary weapons (listing only weapon with forma on/worth mentioning) (name+forma+Lenses on it):
    -Aklex Prime 4 forma
    -Akstiletto Prime 4 forma
    -Atomos 5 forma
    -Brakk 4 forma
    -Dex Furis
    -Dual Toxocyst 3 forma
    -Euphona Prima 1 forma
    -Furis 1 forma
    -Hikou Prime 2 forma
    -Rakta Ballistica
    -Sonicor 3 forma
    -Spira Prime 4 forma
    -Staticor 3 forma
    -Synoid Simulor 2 forma
    -Twin Grakatas 5 forma
    -Vaykor Marelok 2 forma
    Melee weapons (34 melees total) (listing only weapon with forma on/worth mentioning ) (name+forma+Lenses on it):
    -Atterax 2 forma
    -Dex Dakra
    -Dual Ichor 3 forma
    -Glaive Prime
    -Nikana Prime 1 forma
    -Ohma 1 forma
    -Orthos Prime 1 forma
    -Prisma Dual Cleavers 1 forma
    -Prisma Skana
    -Rakta Dark Dagger
    -Reaper Prime
    -Reedemer Naramon
    -Scindo Prime
    -Secura Lecra 2 forma Madurai
    -Telos Boltace 1 forma Madurai
    -War 1 forma Zenurik
    -Smeeta Kavat (potato)
    -Hellminth charger (potato)
    -Carrier Prime (potato)
    -Djinn (potato)
    -Helios (potato)
    -Shade (potato)
    -Taxon (potato)
    -Wyrm Prime
    Sentinel Weapons:
    -Prime Laser Rifle
    -Sweeper Prime
    Landing Craft:
    -Scimitar (Magus Skin - Nami Skin - Sotz Skin)
    -Xiphos (Prisma Skin)
    -Mantis (Oscuro Skin)
    Resources (listing some):
    -Alloy Plate 760k
    -Circuits 200k
    -Cryotic 76k
    -Ferrite 750k
    -Gallium 540
    -Morphics 814
    -Nano Spores 5.7 mil
    -Neural Sensors 317
    -Nitain Extract 10
    -Neurodes 379
    -Plastids 140k
    -Polymer Bundle 170k
    -Tellurium 217
    Fashion Frame:
    -Nsaru Syandana
    -Sciathin Syandana
    -Teplo Syandana
    -Zephyr Hagoromo Skin
    -Ash Koga Skin Bundle
    -Adventus Arrow Collection
    -Banshee Soprana Collection
    -Daedalus Armor Bundle
    -Eos Armor Bundle
    -Frost Harka Bundle
    -Gazal Armor Bundle
    -Gemini Nikana Sheath
    -HUNHOW'S Gift
    -Loki Deluxe Skin Bundle
    -Oberon Feyarch Collection
    -Palatine Pack
    -Riv Elite-Guards
    Warframe Skin (+ more I forgot):
    -Excalibur Prisma Skin
    -Loki Immortal Skin
    -Nova Immortal Skin
    -Oberon Feyarch Skin
    -Rhino Palatine Skin
    -Saryn Orphid Skin
    -Trinity Strega Skin
    Weapon Skins (+ more I forgot):
    -Paris Prime Dryad Skin
    -Supra Shock Camo
    -Ack & Brunt Danaus Skin
    -Proto-Glaive Skin
    -Jat Kittag Palatine Skin
    -Niakana Prime YMIR-FORM Gemini Sheath
    -Orthos Prime Forest-Camo
    -Classic Saturated
    -Smoke Colors
    -Prisma Hecate
    -Solstice Vanquished Banner
    -Vanquished Banner
    Sentinel Skins:
    -Para Carrier
    -Para bundle
    -Ki'Teer mask
    -Lotus Mask
    -Djinn Gazal Skin
    Total: 1,066 Duplicates: 630 Rating 87,999 Riven Capacity: 11/15
    Mods worth mentioning (got every mod you may ever need, listing some):
    -Lots of Augments
    -Bladed Rounds + Argon Scope
    -All 4 Slash mods
    -Some weapons Augments
    -All stances
    -All archwing + archwing primary weapon mods
    -Energy Conversion + Health Conversion
    -Maiming Strike
    And even more stuff

    PM me on reddit for anything.
    Aion account: 150€ #.
    Warframe: 200€ #.

    # #/itsVanille
    . .
    #1 /u/itsVanille, 3/26/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/23/18
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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