Sold [H] Uncharted 4, Batman Arkham Knight, The Division, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Destiny,...

Discussion in 'Destiny 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by /u/paulmgm, 4/27/17.

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  1. /u/paulmgm

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    So I've realized, and unfortunately so, that most of these "narrative driven" or otherwise "lengthy" games I just don't have the time for anymore and I hate booting them up spending 10 min doing something, feel I'm getting nowhere and then switch over to Rocket League. If you have a game that's as easy to pick up play a game or two and put down please throw me an offer. Games such as: Titanfall 2, Rainbow Six: Siege, etc (doesn't have to be just FPS's.

    Note: I've beaten most of the games I'm offering up. Dishonored 2 is just the disk (not CiB). I also have Titanfall 2, just threw it there as an example.

    # #/paulmgm
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