Hey all, Firstly, i hope your all enjoying T&L as much as i am! From the very first beta, into early acsess and beyond i had the foresight to see this game was likely going to explode ( which it certainly has done! ) during the early acsess, Steam/Ncsoft were selling different versions of the game you can no longer obtain. For a full list of what is included in the ultimate edtion, please see here -> During the early acsess, knowing the game was likely going to be very popular on release i purchased a number of keys for the ultimate edition, with the intention to resell them after! Some people call that scalping, and while it technically is, im also offering people who were initially hesitant to buy the ultimate edition a chance to now own it. Some common FAQ's "Does this work for Steam/PS/Xbox" - Yes, the keys are global, and can be attached to your exsisting account. Once you redeem the key, the ultimate rewards, skins and lucent are added to your account. "Are they region locked" - No, they are global, whether your NA/EU or beyond, the keys will work for you. "What is the price" - Currently, im pricing keys at $150. The original price was $99, so im not trying to be greedy but also would like to make a small profit per key. "What payment methods do you accept" - Currently im able to accept PayPal ( using the friends and family option ), Cryptocurrency and revolut. If you live in the EU, possibly an IBAN transfer. But add me to discuss this. "Do you have any previous sales" - Yes! heres some previous transactions, ive never had an issue with any key sold thus far, this isnt the only platform i sell the keys on. https://imgur.com/a/DoWi7zK You will notice, the price in my previous sales were $135. I have since increased this simply due to demand, and a ever smaller number of keys to sell. My price is firm at $160, so please dont try to haggle! Please note the following, I will not be giving the key first. As stated above, I only see them going up in value, so I don’t mind holding onto them for aslong as it takes. Thankyou if you got this far. I am usually playing TL myself so dont check here to often, the best way to reach me is via Discord, please copy and paste my tag ( no caps ) to purchase a key. Discord - aliza5531 # #/girlgamer2000 # .