Sold [H] SUM2013 Trios, PC Ho-Oh, KOR Eevee, other little stuff [W] Amazon gift cards

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/DTranscendent, 2/9/17.

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  1. /u/DTranscendent

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    [svirtual] Hihi I guess I have some stuff sitting that others may like to have :C Will take all offers :D Here's my sheet

    Some noticeable things:

    -JPN PC Kyoto Ho-Oh (full details in sheet) - $18

    -KOR Eevee (full details in sheet) - $15

    -SUM2013 Trio (sheet) 1st set-$30, 2nd set-$25

    -P-Cafe Pikachu (2), ENG, Modest and Timid Offer

    -Alexander Hoopa Lang Set (Hasty, Timid, Modest, or Mild) Photo Proof, Tysiilion -> Me [$15]

    -20th Anniversary Victini Lang Set (Adament, Modest, Jolly, or Timid) AugustoCSP-> Me Redeem, A-Button, and Wonder Card Proof [$15]

    Thanks for taking a look! Reference

    # #/DTranscendent
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