[H]: Spare Low/Mid Tier events [W]: Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/xtakeru, 3/29/24.

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  1. /u/xtakeru

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    [svirtual] Hello~ Putting some spare low/mid tier events for some funding ^^

    Please expect slow response as I'm trying to reply / deal one by one.

    As for now, I'm not planning to trade any OTHER events I hid from my spreadsheet as I want to get rid of these events (various language from language sets) before I reopen the full spreadsheet again. [P/S: Also currently don't have time to sort other events yet :c] Please expect a slightly slow reply as I am busy with real life commitments.

    Notable events (Info in spreadsheet):-

    • VGC Machamp
    • Movie Hoopa
    • Scrap events
    • PC Mimikyu
    • PC Tyranitar
    • 20th Anniversary Pokemons

    More information can be found in the spreadsheet here. Please be noted that the information of events (OT, ID, Met Date, Tags, previous owner) are included in the spreadsheet, and the proofs will be provided/given via PM.


    • All payments will be made in USD.
    • Please make an offer on the events that you're interested in. Do give me some time to do price check and get back to you.
    • As I'm still not familiar with HOME feature, All events will only be traded on respective generations / original game. (E.g. Gen 6 will be traded on Gen 6)
    • Auction occurs when there are more than one individual who are interested in particular event.
    • Please be noted that the save files are being managed by JKSM. The OT/D, Met Date, and origin are stated in the spreadsheet.

    I would also appreciate feedback from you after our trade.

    My FlairHQ[/URL] and exchange reference!

    Thank you and cheers! ^_^

    # #/xtakeru
    #1 /u/xtakeru, 3/29/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/24/24
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