Sold [H] Shiny PoGo Lvl 1 Masterball Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie; Research Shiny Cresselia + PoGo...

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/strwbryui, 3/10/24.

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  1. /u/strwbryui

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    Hi everyone!

    I'm selling the following Shiny Pokemon: (All are still in GO and available for Custom OT

    Shiny Level 15 Cresselia (Masterball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Traded from a facebook. user on messenger | Offer

    Shiny Level 15 Cresselia (Pokeball/Ultraball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught from timed research | $17 each

    Shiny Level 1 Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie (Masterball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught in the Wild | $50 each

    Shiny Level 1 XXS Uxie (Ultraball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught in the Wild | Offer

    Shiny Level 1 Uxie (Pokeball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught in the Wild | $20

    Shiny Level 15 Spiritomb (Pokeball); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught | $13

    Shiny Level 20 Deoxy (Attack or Speed form); OT: Sammie (or Custom), ID: 072536; Self-caught from raid | $9 each

    Can provide screenshots/video upon request! Thank you c:


    My reference

    # #/strwbryui
    . .
    #1 /u/strwbryui, 3/10/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/16/24
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