Sold [H]Shiny Manaphy from Ranger cart/3rd gen RNG [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/alienowitch, 7/6/18.

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  1. /u/alienowitch

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    Hello !

    My name is Alien and I'd like to propose my experience and time as someone who can help you get rare and elusive shiny Manaphy (which comes from replaying physical ranger cart) or any shiny from gen 3-4 with rare tutor moves. Does this cost much ? Few bucks here and there, but complete with proof of legality and legitimacy ! ;)

    If you'd like to get shiny Manaphy for yourself (Nickname, OT, IV included) just write me up ! Be sure I'll answer ;)

    Here's notable mentions of Gen 3 exclusive Move tutor 'mons:

    • Clefable + Softboiled
    • Altaria + Body slam/Double-edge
    • Shedinja +Swords dance/Mimic (it can get any ball after Nincada only in gen 3)
    • Registeel + Seismic Toss
    • Qwillfish + Swords dance
    • Glalie + Body slam/Double-edge

    If you'd like something that isn't written here, ask away. I may be able to help you.

    Most of RNG process is done on emulator. Playthrough is done on physical cart. I'm using: VBA, DESmume with lua scripts. Save wiping/writing is done with CFW 3DS and TWL save tool

    Reference: ref

    # #/alienowitch
    # .
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