[H] Shiny Legendaries, Events, sheet [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/TedDoesPokemon, 3/26/24.

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  1. /u/TedDoesPokemon

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    Hi all!

    I have some gen 5,6,7, and 8 events up for sale. Interested in PayPal and codes (CoroCoro, Snorlax)

    here is my sheet Some highlights:

    • Unclaimed Bank Monkeys and 2018Legends Lugia (can RNG)
    • FEB2012 Mewtwo
    • Shiny WISHMKR Jirachis with full proof of process on emu
    • Decolora Jirachi
    • Absolute heaps of the older gen 8 events! (including full language sets)
    • a bunch of shiny legends - more info in sheet
    • a lot of shinies, selling in bulk or individually, with discounts for bigger orders.

    I also have an Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun save running right now - you can check out what legendary pokemon are available for RNG if you'd like one!

    Again, all the info on these and other interesting events is here

    All of my Pokemon are either traded on r/pokemontrades[/URL], r/pokemonexchange, or self-obtained. Everything except the Galileo Ray and KOR Verity Piplup in the personal tab is up for grabs.

    Trade reference here

    # #/TedDoesPokemon
    #1 /u/TedDoesPokemon, 3/26/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/24/24
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