[svirtual] SPECIAL SALE (Info on pokemon can be found on this spreadsheet) (some can still be #) Maxsoft Rayquaza Language Set for 80$ Maxsoft Arceus for 7$ GAME SPRING2015 Charizard Language Set for 70$ Competitive Shinies at 2$/each (base price) For Sale: On-Hand GEN 7 and 6 Shinies - Base price for Gen 7 shinies is 2.00$ (Gen 6 Shinies can be traded in Gen 7) CUSTOM Gen7 Shinies, Base Price is 3.00. (I can do Hidden Power sets as well). Please see this list for the Egg Moves available (Can now Breed any Pokemon) All On-hand Events - everything is for sale. ask for the price (Gen 6 Events can be traded in any game) I can do legitimate breeding of a custom team of pokemon. Visit other parts of the sheet if you want to. Notes: Prices don't include paypal fees A payment summary will be given along with my email and price including relevant fees. Please make sure I am available and online before sending any payment so we can avoid any trouble I'll send event proofs if I have it Language sets will be sold as Language sets Use this calculator for verifying the fees Please PAY IN USD. The currency might default into PHP, please change it to USD Gen 6 shinies and events that are requested to be traded on Gen 7 games need to be paid for first before transfer. Maxsoft Rayquaza is tradeable in Gen 7 My Reference FC: 3411-2661-0814/ IGN: Gaelan (OR), Miller (Moon) I have been a trusted trader at #/pokemontrades for some time now. Reference (FlairHQ). Thanks and have a nice day! # #/ProjectROXO # .