Sold [H] Scarlet/Violet Shiny Eggs, Gen 8 Events, Shiny Gimmighoul, Enamorus, 6IV JPN/KOR...

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/slammajamma19, 1/21/24.

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  1. /u/slammajamma19

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    Links to my first[/URL] and second, third reference page.

    Hey ho hello! Hope everyone is doing great! All self caught mons will have OT: Pam, ID: 480145, unless stated otherwise.

    Just organized my remaining Gen8 events (all in Pokemon Home), full list below. Available onhand Shiny Egg list also found below. Full Rule 3 details on spreadsheet.

    • Gen 8 events

    • Gen 9 Shiny eggs spreadsheet.

      All onhand Shiny Eggs will be # to $8.50+fees each if you buy 3 or more!

    Shiny Gimmighoul in Moon, Level Ball, self caught for $15+fees

    Iron Crown and Iron Boulder both in Luxury Ball, self caught with vid proof for $18 no fees

    • Enamorus, self caught for $10

    • Blood Moon Ursaluna, self caught for $12

    Will also accept requests to evolve pokes that have Hisuian forms for free except Ursaring since its tedious to find a peat block. Just hatch the egg in your SV game first for your OT and I’ll evolve it in PLA for you if you don’t have it

    If you buy a set of shiny starter eggs from any gen available in SV, it will be # to $25+fees! Can mix and match as long as it’s a starter.

    • Please inquire if a shiny egg is available as I’m currently breeding the other ones that were recently sold. Thank you!

    Also have 7 6IV JPN/KOR Dittos with Jolly (5), Modest (1) and Hasty (1) as natures for $10

    3 5IV(0Atk, 0Spd) JPN/KOR Ditto for $10 each

    Mightiest Marked Pokemons from Charizard, Cinderace to Mewtwo for $8 each

    • Can also take shiny egg requests w/ specific IV and balls for $13 each

    • Violet Paradox shinies set for $25 (in apriballs of your choice)

    • Buyers cover fees please!

    Thanks for reading this kinda long post and I hope you find something you’re interested in! Happy trading!


    # #/slammajamma19
    #1 /u/slammajamma19, 1/21/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/16/24
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