Sold [H] Quad Kato Nova ST MW Tempest w/ IBP, Titan, Reason, Dignitas katos 1/1, + 4k [W] 22k,...

Discussion in 'CSGO Items for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Items' started by /u/downtroddenz, 10/30/18.

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  1. /u/downtroddenz

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    I had an entire post about the Nova and its rarity factors. In short: 1/4 with ibp+titan, 1/1 with any of the other two, in all skins, all wears, st, non-st. As far as I went, same goes for entire heavy armory.

    b/o - 22k or Royal Paladin M4 MW w/ Crown above mag (unscratched obviously). I add 4 keys for .07 float if you happen to have that one.

    # - Getting crowned loadout and almost there so I'm willing to negotiate around different nice crowned m4a4 (only A4) skin if you happen to have one and are interested. Trading other kato 14/15 stuff for crowned stuff so feel free to hit up with offers.

    Screenshots, included some in game ss but its easiest if you inspect the skin because of the Nova sticker placement positions and I don't think the 3d tool supports heavy armory for stickers yet:


    in game ss:

    in game ss2: (excuse the chicken in one of the screenshots) none of the stickers are scratched but feel free to check anyways.



    # #/downtroddenz
    . .
    #1 /u/downtroddenz, 10/30/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/21/24
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