Sold [H] PSN Store $50, SUPERHOT, Layers of Fear, much more. [W] Paypal, credit, Wishlist

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network OG Username | PSN Usernames - Buy & Sell' started by /u/AllSaintOx, 6/16/17.

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  1. /u/AllSaintOx

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    I have the following games I would like to trade:


    PSN Store $50 Credit/Wallet Code (Likely US Only)

    Square Enix Holiday Surprise Box 2016
    1. GOETIA

    Sega MWNL4
    1. Company of Heroes 2 - Southern Fronts DLC
    2. Shining Force
    3. Alien Soldier
    4. Dawn of War II Retribution - Ultramarines DLC
    5. Golden Axe 2
    6. Endless Legend - Echoes of Auriga Add-on
    7. Comix Zone
    8. Total War Rome II: Blood and Gore
    9. Total War Attila: Blood and Burning
    10. Shogun 2 Blood Pack
    11. Legendary Lord Isabella von Carstein

    Bundle Stars All Stars 6 Bundle
    1. Lichdom: Battlemage
    2. theHunter: Primal
    3. Year Walk
    5. Cook, Serve, Delicious! Cook, Serve, Delicious!
    6. Dustforce DX
    7. Giana Sisters: Twisted Bundle
    8. Giana Sisters: Dream Runners

    Humble Bundle
    1. Plague Inc: Evolved
    3. Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
    4. Brigador: Up-Armored Edition
    5. Shoppe Keep
    6. Maize
    7. Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition (Might Keep)
    8. Tumblestone
    9. Flat Heroes
    10. Morphblade
    11. Poly Bridge (Might Keep)
    12. RIVE
    13. Husk
    14. Okhlos
    15. Ryse: Son of Rome (Might Keep)
    16. Steamworld Heist
    17. HoPiKo
    18. Jotun
    19. Neon Chrome
    20. Back to Bed
    21. Battlerite DLC: YogYog Bear Mount
    22. Binary Domain
    23. BiT Evolution
    24. BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
    25. Blade & Soul Yogscast Pack
    26. Bohemian Killing - Original Soundtrack and Artbooks DLC
    27. Botanicula
    28. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
    29. Choplifter HD
    30. Chronology: Time Changes Everything
    31. Cosmonautica
    32. Crusaders of the Lost Idols Legendary Starter Pack
    33. Curses 'N Chaos
    34. Dark Scavenger
    35. Deep Dungeons of Doom
    36. Dinocide
    37. Disc Jam BETA
    38. Faeria Early Access Bundle
    39. Guacamelee! Complete
    40. Gunmetal Arcadia Zero
    41. Gunpoint
    42. Guns of Icarus Online
    43. Guns of Icarus Online Costume Pack
    44. Guns of Icarus Online Soundtrack
    45. Hue
    46. Karma. Incarnation 1
    47. Multimirror
    48. Not the Robots
    49. Oozi: Earth Adventure
    50. Overture
    51. Pressure
    52. Robocraft Jingle Jam Pack
    53. Rocket Riot™
    54. Saturday Morning RPG
    55. Shu
    56. Small Radios, Big Televisions
    57. Syder Arcade
    58. Tales Across Time
    59. Team Fortress 2 Badges - Duncan's Kindhearted Kisser, Hannah's Altruistic Aspect, Sips' Selfless Simulacrum, Sjin's Generous Guise
    60. Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found
    61. Two Digits
    62. Waddle Home
    63. Western Press
    64. Western Press Mk Cans II Character DLC
    65. Beyond Eyes
    66. Kathy Rain
    67. Pirate Pop Plus
    68. Rebel Galaxy
    69. THOTH
    70. Home
    71. Solstice
    72. Uncanny Valley
    73. 230 Battleborn Platinum Currency
    74. Battleborn Starter Skin Pack
    75. Freedom Force
    76. Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich
    77. Planet of the Eyes
    78. Random Access Murder
    79. Starward Rogue
    80. Copoka
    81. Cthulhu Realms - Full Version
    82. Affordable Space Adventures - Wii U
    83. Freedom Planet - Wii U
    84. Nano Assault EX - Nintendo 3DS
    85. Retro City Rampage: DX - Nintendo 3DS
    86. Retro City Rampage: Nintendo 3DS Theme
    87. Runbow - Wii U
    88. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - Wii U
    89. Swords & Soldiers II - Wii U
    90. 1993 Space Machine
    91. Gunmetal Arcadia Zero (Steam, Humble Monthly)
    92. Steredenn
    93. I am Bread

    I am particularly interested in PayPal or credit as well as games from my Wishlist, especially Disney Infinity Gold Collection.

    # #/AllSaintOx
    # .
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