Sold [H] Pokemon SV Event Codes JPN KZD set, KOR KZD set, Birthday Tandemaus, KOR Aaron's...

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/EnvironmentalGap4775, 3/25/25 at 2:42 AM.

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  1. /u/EnvironmentalGap4775

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    Here's my second post in the subreddit.

    Looking to make a trade or sell some Pokemon SV codes. No fees!


    • 2 JPN KZD sets

    • 3 KOR KZD sets

    • 2 KOR Sir Aaron's Lucario

    • 10 Birthday Tandemaus


    JPN KZD (Decent ) - $6

    KOR KZD (Hard to find ) - $8

    KOR Sir Aaron's Lucario (Expiring Really Soon! ) - $5

    Birthday Tandemaus (Long way to go ) - $6

    Take them all now!

    Thank you for reading and visiting!

    Here's my reference that I wish to fill with your gracious purchases and trades.

    # #/EnvironmentalGap4775
    . .
    #1 /u/EnvironmentalGap4775, 3/25/25 at 2:42 AM
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/25/25 at 2:42 PM
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