Sold [H] PoGo Shiny Mythicals and GBL Shiny Legends [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Lonely-District-7672, 1/30/24.

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  1. /u/Lonely-District-7672

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    Hello everyone! I’ve acquired some rare GBL shiny legends and I’ve decided to sell them.

    All the following shinies on this post are self caught in Pokemon Go and still in my Go account


    GBL/Non-Premier Ball PoGo Legends

    PoGo Shiny Darkrai UltraBall - $45

    PoGo Shiny Darkrai Greatball - $40

    *Latios (5IV Guaranteed) - Pokeball - $40 Could be 6IV but the speed stat is random when transferred from GO to Home

    PoGo Shiny Groudon - Ultraball : $25

    PoGo Shiny Kyogre - Ultraball : $25

    PoGo Shiny Articuno - Ultraball : $25

    PoGo Shiny Giratina - UB - $25

    PoGo Shiny Cobalion - UB - $25

    PoGo Shiny Cresselia - Ultraball : $25

    PoGo Shiny Latios - Pokeball : $25

    PoGo Shiny Latias - Pokeball : $25


    Masterball Shinies

    PoGo Shiny Tornadus - Masterball : $40


    Shiny PoGO Legendary & Mythical

    Pogo Shiny Jirachi - $98

    Pogo Shiny Mew - $60

    Pogo Shiny Genesect - $13

    Pogo Shiny Deoxys - $13

    Pogo Shiny Darkrai - $10

    Pogo Shiny Registeel - $10

    PoGO shiny Entei ,Raikou & Suicine- $15

    Pogo Shiny Groudon -$7

    Pogo Shiny Yveltal - $9

    Pogo Shiny Xerneas -$9

    PoGo Shiny Tapu Koko - $10

    PoGo Shiny Tapu Lele - $10

    PoGo Shiny Tapu Fini - $10

    Pogo Shiny Tapu Bulu - $10

    ** Shiny UltraBeasts **

    Pogo Shiny Nihilego -$10

    Pogo Shiny Guzzlord -$10

    ** Shiny Legends **

    //Pogo Shiny Regigigas -$10

    Pogo Shiny Lugia - $7

    Pogo Shiny Uxie - $8

    Pogo Shiny Giratina -$7

    Pogo Shiny Dialga -$7

    Pogo Shiny Zapdos -$7

    Pogo Shiny Kyogre - $7

    Pogo Shiny Articuno - $7

    Pogo Shiny Heatran - $7

    Pogo Shiny Cresselia -$7

    Pogo Shiny Regirock- $7

    Pogo Shiny Rayquaza-$7

    Pogo Shiny Reshiram -$7

    Pogo Shiny Kyurem -$7

    Pogo Shiny Articuno, Moltres & Zapdos -$15

    Mythical Pokemon : ( can make custom OT )

    Pogo Mew -$7

    Pogo Shaymin - $6

    Pogo Celebi - $6

    Pogo Jirachi - $7

    Pogo Meloetta -$7

    Pogo Victini -$7

    Pogo Hoopa - $7

    Pogo Shiny Meltan - $10 ( can evolve )

    I also have some other's on than listed here, let me know what you are looking for and I'll include it in the list with full details provided!

    OT: Suspishion (Can be changed to your preferred o.t)

    ID No: 662975

    All Pokémon were self caught and are able to be transferred with any OT you desire.

    Everything here is # of course :). Thanks

    Reference Link :

    # #/Lonely-District-7672
    . .
    #1 /u/Lonely-District-7672, 1/30/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 2/3/24
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