Sold [H]PoGo mons in Go and Home [W]Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Accounts for Sale - Buy POGO Account' started by /u/Sleark7468, 8/26/23.

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  1. /u/Sleark7468

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    Hi guys, I have the following PoGo mons for sale.

    All payment will be in £ + fees.

    All in go mons are self-caught and can custom OT, otherwise OT will be X with ID: 029896

    Following mons are in go and can custom OT:

    Shiny Xerneas £3 + fee

    Shiny Tornadus £4 + fees

    Shaymin £2 + fee

    Non-shiny Deoxys set - £6 + fees

    Non-shiny genesect £2 + fees

    Following in go mons are all £1 + fee each or 4 for £3

    Shiny: Absol, Solrock, Minun, Snubull (can evolve), Female Litleo (can evolve), Turtwig, Squirtle, chinchou (can evolve), bagon (can evolve), Grimer (can evolve), spinarak (can evolve), ralt, feebas, Bidoof, swinub, castform, oddish, charmander, Hitmonlee

    I have nearly all go stamped legendries, some examples include:

    Hoopa £3 + fee OT: Jay, ID: 881058 obtained via trade on r/PokemonHome[/URL] from u/Jamieb1994

    Meloetta £2 + fee OT: Big M, ID: 953418, obtained via trade on r/PokemonHome
    from u/bigm_tv

    Mew £2 + fee, OT: RaiyeXIII, ID: 238016, obtained via trade on r/PokemonHome
    from u/62724

    Celebi £2 + fee, OT: RaiyeXIII, ID: 238016, obtained via trade on r/PokemonHome
    from u/62724

    I have nearly all other shiny legendaries (regirock, registeel, regice, rauquaza, groudon, kyogre, xerneas, mewtwo, suicune, entei, reshiram, zekrom, Bulu etc) and rare go mons. Just ask and prices are likely to be £2 each (+fee) or 4 for £5.

    Prices are # for bulk purchases


    # #/Sleark7468
    #1 /u/Sleark7468, 8/26/23
    Last edited by a moderator: 9/27/23
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