[svirtual] hello! I am Japanese. Because I am not good at English, I use a google translation device I will provide pictures of redemption video and proof. in this way sample video It is an emergency. Because we needed money, we will make it cheaper on a first-come-first-served basis. The first-come-first-served prices and number of people are as follows. PC Event Custom eeveelution 1:$10+fees(10 people) PC Event eeveelution ALL set:$59+fees(2 people) I do not need a serial code. We can not negotiate the serial code. ※Acquire from 1 day to 1 week as a guide It will be in order of arrival. Please quickly comment if you want. If you wish, please comment this way. eeveelution: language: Nature: Date Met: Name to enter (proof name): please let me know A good deal! [my Reference] playerup.com/r/#/comments/6c2fbb/useikenikes_references/?ref=share&ref_source=link # #/seikenike # .