[H] PayPal [W] Custom OT Furfrou forms and Vivillian Eggs

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/SoraArx, 3/25/24.

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  1. /u/SoraArx

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    Furfrou I'm looking for: Star, La Reine, Kabuki, and Pharaoh Trim. All with custom OT Fai and caught in a regular pokeball. Also looking for the following Vivillion eggs in oras or xy: elegante, garden, meadow, monsoon and river. All to be hatched in a regular pokeball. If possible I would like 3 eggs of each, but only one is nessesary.


    # #/SoraArx
    . .
    #1 /u/SoraArx, 3/25/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/24/24
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