Sold [H] PayPal [W] Aldora Birds ENG tag with proof

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Zutone88, 6/24/18.

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  1. /u/Zutone88

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    [bvirtual] Hello. This is my first post here. I am considering buying an Aldora Bird Zapdos with ENG tag and proof. If you only sell that event as a set with the other 3 birds, I can also consider it. I would like to know how much would it cost me to get this.

    I can also trade for that, can offer many or any of these here: 2018 Legendary Redeemed events:

    1. Event 2018 Legends Xerneas, NA, Level 100, Timid nature, Fairy Aura ability, Selfredeemed, pictureproof, Cherish Ball, OT 2018 Legends, ID 050418

    2. Event 2018 Legends Xerneas, NA, Level 60, Modest nature, Fairy Aura ability, Selfredeemed, pictureproof, Cherish Ball, OT 2018 Legends, ID 050418

    3. Event 2018 Legends Raikou, NA, Level 60, Cherish Ball, Timid nature, Pressure ability, Selfredeemed, pictureproof, OT 2018 Legends, ID 042218


    1. 6 (Six) Shiny Zygarde NA codes

    2. 2 (Two) Entei/Raikoi NA codes

    3. 2 (Two) Xerneas/Yveltal NA codes

    My references (im new):

    This is my flairhq in pokemontrades:

    # #/Zutone88
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