Sold [H] PayPal, TF2 Keys [W] Red Dead Redemption 2 Pre-Order RGL Key and Spider-Man Miles...

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/MLGDragon1337, 4/10/24.

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  1. /u/MLGDragon1337

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    I'm looking to buy Red Dead Redemption 2 RGL key that includes the pre-order bonuses (you can check by inputting the key on the launcher, it will come up as Pre-Purchase Bonuses on the list). Most likely only keys bought before the release date will include this.

    I'm willing to offer 40 TF2 keys or 60 dollars PayPal if anyone has this key.

    I'm also looking to buy a preorder steam key for spider-man miles morales that includes the preorder bonuses. It is very difficult to check if your key includes those. If your key was bought before the game's release date and from a reliable source (like GreenManGaming, it is highly likely it will include it)

    I'm willing to offer 25 TF2 keys or 38 dollars PayPal for anyone with this key.

    # #/MLGDragon1337
    # .
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