Sold [H] Lunar Magikarp Serial Code Reservations | Volcanion Codes || [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Kawaii_Espeon, 1/23/17.

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  1. /u/Kawaii_Espeon

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    Hello. Today I will take reservation for Lunar Magikarp serial code. I am not sure of price because of short distribution and redeem period. Also, unsure how many I can get since many shops close for many days when Chinese New Year.

    PLEASE make me a fair offer and I set price for reservation when I get good idea of value.

    Small Request - If you will place reservation, please make sure you honour it (if I get code for you).

    I too have this many serial code to sell.

    Pokemon Code​
    Price Each in US $​
    PAL Volcanion​
    NA Volcanion​

    Bulk purchase get #.

    Please leave comment if you interest to buy. Please make offer if you like.

    You need cover PayPal fee. Thank you for interest in my page.



    # #/Kawaii_Espeon
    # .
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