Sold [H] Lots of games (EU region) [W] Paypal (priority), TF2 Keys, BioGun, Slash Quest,...

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/Superteletubbies64, 1/19/25 at 8:52 AM.

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  1. /u/Superteletubbies64

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    *Mainly looking for Paypal offers, preferably from EU but I can take offers from other regions, just keep in mind you'll have to cover the Paypal fees. Pricing is based on current price. Can also take an amount of TF2 keys/ ToD tickets equivalent in value to the value, but Paypal is preffered.

    *Also looking for the games listed in the title, most of these are currently bundled games or were in a bundle a while ago. I've been following bundles for a while and have been subscribed to Choice for years, so I'm not really looking for any games not listed in the title, unless they're on my wishlist then maybe, and I'm not looking for Amazon Prime keys no matter what. Also I'll still prioritize Paypal offers, especially for high tier games.

    *For high tier games I put the "high tier" tag for a reason, I strongly favor Paypal offers for these, if you offer games for these chances of me declining are high even if they're listed in the title

    *If this post is more than 48 hours old please do not reply to it, it might be outdated and I might no longer be looking for games in the title, please look for the most recent post instead.

    *DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I will ignore any spam invites.

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    below is the MAY KEEP section (these are games I have mild interesr and would prefer to hold on to and rather trade something I have no interest in or already own, if you request one of these don't expect me to trade it unless I'm really desperate and I've had no luck getting a trade for the game otherwise)

    # #/Superteletubbies64
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