[H] Lots of games! (Dark Souls II: SOTFS, Borderlands: Pre Sequel, The Bureau: XCOM...

Discussion in 'Borderlands 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/ClearSkye, 11/28/18.

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  1. /u/ClearSkye

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    Hello, thanks for coming by!

    I am trading the following Humble Bundle leftover games.

    Prices are the current Steam Prices with a #. (Discounts will be indicated in brackets, but are already included in the stated price. These may vary and are just an estimation for the most part.)

    I am mostly looking for PayPal or Amazon Wallet thingy.Since I am trying to cut down on gaming altogether, I am not interested in game trades at this point.

    This is a repost from quite a few months ago, so prices may have gone down on steam. Feel free to let me know if you feel like a price is too high. Package deals are encouraged!

    (Sorted by name)

    • 80 Days _____________________________________________________ 4€ (50% off)
    • Armello _____________________________________________________ 9€ (15% off)
    • Acceleration of SUGURI 2 __________________________________________ 4€ (50% off)
    • Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation _______________________________ 11€ (50% off)
    • Bear With Me - Collector's Edition _________________________________ 5€ (50% off)
    • Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel ____________________________________ 17€ (35% off)
    • Brigador: Up-Armored Edition ____________________________________10€ (25% off)
    • Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse ______________________________ 8€ (65% off)
    • Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! __________________________________________ 5€ (60% off)
    • Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin ______________________________ 9€ (75% off)
    • Galactic Civilizations® III _______________________________________15€ (35% off)
    • Grim Fandango Remastered ______________________________________7€ (50% off)
    • Her Story ____________________________________________________ 3€ (50% off)
    • Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth _________________________________ 15€ (50% off)
    • Kero Blaster __________________________________________________ 7€ (25% off)
    • Maize _______________________________________________________8€ (30% off)
    • Plague Inc: Evolved ___________________________________________ 10€ (30% off)
    • Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter ____________________________17€ (50% off)
    • Shoppe Keep _________________________________________________ 3€ (70% off)
    • SimplePlanes _________________________________________________ 9€ (30% off)
    • Styx: Shards of Darkness ______________________________________ 10€ (70% off)
    • SUPERHOT __________________________________________________ 10€ (45% off)
    • The Bureau: XCOM Declassified __________________________________ 12€ (15% off)
    • The Stanley Parable ____________________________________________ 6€ (50% off)
    • Tiny Echo ____________________________________________________ 5€ (35% off)
    • Worms Clan Wars _____________________________________________ 15€ (35% off)
    • Yooka-Laylee _________________________________________________ 15€ (66% off)

    The usual trade etiquette applies. Feel free to check out my Steam profile.

    I will only trade through this subreddit and will not respond to PMs or steam requests, until initial contact has been established in this thread. Please post in this thread first.

    Looking forward to your bids and offers!

    # #/ClearSkye
    . .
    #1 /u/ClearSkye, 11/28/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 2/10/19
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