Selling [H] LoL Account Original Owner Closed Beta, 86 Champs/85 Alt Skins, [W] Pro Player

Discussion in 'Hex Shards of Fate Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    I have lost interest in playing LoL over the past year or so.

    I am interested in dropping my investment since closed beta [King Rammus Skin Included] in favor of my new interest Hex TCG.

    Feel free to PM me for more details on Champs/Skins.

    Level 30 LoL account, currently unranked (play 10 games to determine ranking going forward)

    85 Alternate Skins [not including default skin] with highlights including: Black Alistar, Dark Annie, Panda Annie, Judgement Kayle, Festive Maokai, King Rammus, Snowstorm Sivir, White Village Twitch, Primal Udyr, Bad Santa Veigar, Urf The Manatee Warwick

    Account also has 804RP [currency to buy champs/skins/etc) and 8890 IP (Currency to buy champions/runes/etc, enough to buy one champion of your choice that isn't already owned)


    Yeah will you not sell it at all?

    Skype: Trukfit-

    I would prefer to do a direct trade for a Pro Player or Collector Hex Codes.

    I'll give you my 2nd account.

    ill load it with RP

    No thank you, I have no interest in playing LoL anymore.

    I am looking for a Hex TCG Pro Player or Collector codes.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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