Sold [H] Listed events/Ranger Manaphys [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/schwing-, 2/24/17.

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  1. /u/schwing-

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    Done collecting events for now, would rather get rid of them.

    • Bday Umbreon: yukijp -> me Best offer
    • SRable PCI set (available for SR or file trade): moag14 -> me $60
    • N's Darmanitan (3 available): self obtained: $8 or $20 for all 3
    • Lysandre Pyroar: philvpham10 -> me: $12
    • Korean XYZ set: Mystica_ -> me: $12
    • Lance's Dragonite: jis33785 -> lavaburst14 -> me (31/25/31/31/31/31 Modest): $15
    • Mark's Machamp: toughlilpony -> lavaburst14 -> me: Best offer
    • SRable PGL Garchomp: self obtained: $12
    • PGL Garchomp: self obtained: $10
    • PCafe Pikachu: mizudomi -> me: $12
    • PGL Mewtwo (31/31/31/6/31/31 Jolly): self obtained: $50
    • Nebel Volcanion: self obtained and from dvader0: $15

    Everything should have proof, ask for it. I'm quite content with these prices, but I can # if you buy multiple things.

    I guess I can take orders for custom RNG Manaphy too, won't be able to do them until next weekend though. $30 for one of these.


    # #/schwing-
    # .
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