Sold [H] Korean Zygarde, Wshmkr Jirachi, XY, Zygarde, Entei Suicune codes and possible SHINY...

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/TailsMegamanX, 6/22/18.

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  1. /u/TailsMegamanX

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    I have a lot of codes that I'm selling for $1 each excluding fees.

    NA XY codes 30+

    NA ER codes 10+

    Zygarde codes 50+

    Korean Zygarde*: $3 random nature

    I own the bonus disc.

    My proof is generally the 'you got Jirachi' screen. What's great about it is I can turn off my gamecube and take disc proof and redeem proof at the same time! It's a time saver for me since I generally am filled up quite a bit!

    Rates are:

    $2: 1 RANDOM WSHMKR Jirachi $3: 1 6 nature WSHMKR Jirachi $4: 1 5 nature WSHMKR Jirachi $5: 1 4 nature WSHMKR Jirachi $6: 1 3 nature WSHMKR Jirachi $7: 1 2 nature WSHMKR Jirachi $8 : 1 CUSTOM nature WSHMKR Jirachi

    I am also fielding offers on Custom Shiny Jirachi via emulation to see if it's worth it to me to learn it. All my other Jirachi above are done on actual hardware but I realize there is a demand for the Shiny version.


    My Reference

    Current deals:

    #/44Cobra44 2 RANDOM Wshmkr Jirachis for $4.

    *Korean Zygarde is obtained by an EMUNAND 3DS.

    # #/TailsMegamanX
    # .
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