Sold [H] Korean Manaphy Reservations | Korean Dialga / Palkia codes | Pokémon Event List || [W]...

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Kawaii_Espeon2, 6/29/18.

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  1. /u/Kawaii_Espeon2

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    Hello! I have 2 or 3 Custom Stock Manaphy available. Source is my trading partner, Sunji, who lives in South Korea. The Manaphy will be Korean Language, and you can choose Date Met and Nature (at least 2 options) $25 + PayPal Fee

    I also have Korean Movie Dialga or Palkia Codes available to sell, each for $12 + PayPal fee. 2 Available

    Might get another tomorrow, and will most likely get more as time goes by.

    I am also sell Pokémon events that are on my Event List.

    Please leave comment if you interest to buy. You need cover PayPal fee.

    Thank you for interest in my page.


    # #/Kawaii_Espeon2
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