[sphysical] This is my reference. Physical: I want to sell my Korea version 3DS console (not 3DSXL, not New3DS, not New3DSXL), colour is blue, and system version is 11.4.0-33K. Very good condition, nearly new, with no injuries. There are some pictures of my 3DS, if you need more, I will take more photo to you. A Sumsung 2GB SD card will be include, but no charger will be include. I come from China, and I will use EMS or DHL to send it. Because the international deliver price will be a litter higer, I would like to sell it at USD160 (already include the international deliver fee) with fee. Code: From 20171208, JPN 2017 Scrap Code, USD1.5 with fee for 1 code. # #/YukineWatanabe # .