Sold [H] KOR 2ds with events and JPN & PAL carts with events [W] paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/shuael34, 3/31/17.

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  1. /u/shuael34

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    Hi everyone!

    Today I post a physical thread because I finally made list of my leftover carts and events in there. Tada! Spreadsheet.

    I'm mainly looking to see if there is anyone interested in my Korean 2ds with the digitial copy of X. Because I'm going to by new 3DS once I go back to Korea xD This is what I used for some fun redemption services like this. Good time.

    Since there will be new Vulpix code event in Kroea it can be useful though you may still need to get S/M Korean copy. And there are bonus events from X game with all the redemption proofs :)

    Further on the Korean 2DS, As I indicated in the spreadsheet, I estimated price based on the events in there, someone may not want that many 20 gengars. I still prefer to make a deal with someone who wants all the events in there and the KOR 2ds so will give considerable # if you take all Gengar. Or we can discuss about removing some Gengars (I will just redeem some of them) to reduce the total.

    Also take a look at my other carts! They were for my personal collection so I didn't really bother asking for proofs when I sent the cart to my Korean buddy, but they were held by trusted source and I can tell you more about the source individually. See "adjusted" column.

    Finally, there are still many decent events in my s virtual thread! or my event spreadsheet!. It has been updated a bit as I got some events from my sister in Korea.

    Thank you for looking and letting me know if you have any question :)

    my reference

    # #/shuael34
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