[H] Japanese 2DS with USUM & Moon carts with events [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/RsManKilla, 4/13/24.

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  1. /u/RsManKilla

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    The 2DS is blue, I can provide pictures of the carts and games. Pokemon Moon does not have a case.

    Hi, I just checked my Japanese games, here are the events.

    Unreedeemed events on each game:All USUM event codes were inputted by me, the Lugia events were done by me on Moon, and the other events on moon already came with the cart when i purchased from hayder2309

    • Ultra Sun (Eng, Japanese cart): Zeraora and Lugia Zeraora(180713) and Lugia (180413)

    • Moon (Japanese) : Lunar Magikarp(170128), Shiny Tapu koko(170317), donation pikachu (201703), coro coro charizard(565640), and 2x Lugia events (both 180413)

    • Ultra Moon(Japanese): Zeraora and 2x Lugia events Zeraora (180713) and 2x Lugia events both (180413)

    Looking for offers, but will take probably $225 + fees + shipping for all.

    Reference with 100+ Transactions.

    # #/RsManKilla
    . .
    #1 /u/RsManKilla, 4/13/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/24/24
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