[H] Arround 35b on WarpPortal Rose, and i'm trying to change for dota2 itens (couz i don't play ROSE anymore) My 35b its 26b on zulies and 9b on itens/costumes etc... If you are interested, please tell me you offer here... (Se for brasileiro(a), tambem posso negociar por dinheiro...) Alright, there is a list of what i have... one cleric 910 int lvl 220 with FULL CASH BUFF SKILLS 26,164,579,442 zulies Full Speed Set: Rat Tail 120 m-speed Winged Top Rat 90 m-speed Silver Astarot Wings (mini) 150 m-speed Daring Rabit Fan 60 m-speed Daring Rabit Shoes 105 m-speed Precious Six Stick Bow Gun W/ Sagittarius Stone 170 m-speed Precious Raptor Chest W/ Sagittarius 150 m-speed Precious Raptor Gloves 50 m-speed Typhom Set w/ 3 Sagittarius Stone 323 m-speed Cleric: Itens Storage 1: Itens Storage 2: Itens Storage 3: M-speed: (Notice that have 597 teletix (worth 5m each) and 28 damage boster (cash buff that worths a lot)) Accepting dota2 itens, dota2 treasure keys and steam games! (if you're from brazil, i can also accept real money)