Hello everyone, I'm selling some in-GO Shiny Raids for custom OT. All Pokemon will have Custom OT (or Muffin-) with TID: 362898 | Price for each Pokemon: $4 + fees unless specified otherwise. I will waive the fees if you take at least 4 Pokemon from my For Sale list. My Reference In-GO Shiny Raids all of these shinies were self-caught in-GO from raids in different accounts (will be able to transfer multiple mons at once - depending on the Pokemon | as of now, all accounts' transporter energy is fully charged) Pokemon Quantity Shiny Mewtwo 1 Shiny Ho-Oh 2 Shiny Raikou 1 Shiny Groudon ($3 + fees) 2 Shiny Rayquaza 1 Shiny Registeel 2 Shiny Heatran 1 Shiny Yveltal ($5 + fees) 1 Shiny Kartana ($5 + fees) 1 Shiny Tapu Bulu 6 Shiny Tapu Koko 7 Shiny Tapu Fini 1 [svirtual] # #/kelwinak . .