Sold [H] Gouging Fire & Raging Bolt with Custom Ball & OT, [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/tdm_chata, 3/15/25 at 5:02 PM.

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  1. /u/tdm_chata

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    I have a spare save file currently reset for a new Scarlet playthrough.

    Can catch GF and RB in any shop or apriball, with a custom OT for the playthrough if requested.

    $10+fees for one, $17+fees for both.

    Any further exclusives or requests (Koraidon, Scarlet exclusives, Meloetta, etc.) are open to discussion. Video proof of capture will be provided.


    # #/tdm_chata
    # .
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