[H] Getting Over It, Quantum Break, Rivals of Aether, STRAFE, Plague Inc, Borderlands 2,...

Discussion in 'Borderlands 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Francesco270, 12/27/17.

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  1. /u/Francesco270

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    My wishlist: PayPal, Quantum Break, Homefront The Revolution (EU), Pillars of Eternity, Armello, Transistor, Black Mesa, Wolfenstein The Old Blood and The New Order, Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition, Assassin's Creed Unity and Syndicate, Bioshock The Collection, Ori and the Blind Forest, Rayman Legends, Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition.

    My list of games:

    Quantum Break

    Plague Inc: Evolved


    Borderlands 2

    Getting Over It

    Rivals of Aether

    STRAFE: Millennium Edition

    Passpartout: The Starving Artist

    World to the West

    The Shrouded Isle

    Scanner Sombre

    Epistory - Typing Chronicles

    Grey Goo Definitive Edition

    I have more than 100 trades on Reddit, my feedbacks:

    My GameTradeRep 1

    My GameTradeRep 2

    My IGSRep 1

    My IGSRep 2

    My SGSFlair

    My SGSFlair 2

    # #/Francesco270
    . .
    #1 /u/Francesco270, 12/27/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 2/10/19
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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