Sold [H] Gen 7 Events [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Joshigo1, 3/1/24.

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  1. /u/Joshigo1

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    I have some event Pokémon that I can offer for sale.
    * PGL Tapu Koko - OT Melemele - ID 191004 - Proof: A button proof WC
    * PGL Tapu Lele - OT Akala - ID 181130 - Proof: A button proof WC
    * 2018 Legends Zygarde - OT 2018 Legends - ID 60218 - Proof: A button proof WC
    * Gamestop Eclipse Lunala - OT Eclipse - ID 100419 - Proof: A button proof WC
    * Gamestop Eclipse Solgaleo - OT Eclipse - ID 100419 - Proof: A button proof WC
    * Gamestop Marshadow - OT MT Tensei - ID 100917 - Proof: A button proof WC
    * Fula City Zeraora - OT Fula City - ID 100118 - Proof: A button proof WC
    All Pokémon were self obtained/redeemed by myself. My reference is here.

    # #/Joshigo1
    . .
    #1 /u/Joshigo1, 3/1/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/16/24
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