Sold [H] Gen 6 Events [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/pandaglassjaw, 3/10/17.

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  1. /u/pandaglassjaw

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    Hi, I have a collection of 20th events/2016 events and some other random events from trades. Everything is open but I'm much less inclined to sell most of the NFT section, but feel free to make an offer if you'd like. General pricing is $3 per self-obtained/farmed event, the exception being Hoopa since it was only a week and I spent a lot of time to farm what I have, so I'd prefer closer to $5 for Alexander's Hoopa. Possible discounts if you purchase 4 or more pokemon.

    Pokemon from trades are $4 for the 20th pokemon since they are beneficial natures and older than my self-obtained ones. Harry's Hoopa around $6, HK Jirachi around $10, Descartes Yveltal/Xerneas around $5.

    Porybox, notes include source - everything comes with at least WC proof, everything self-obtained has full picture redemption proof. I also have a SRable set of Aldora bird trio self-obtained if someone would like to offer. I also have a collection of 20th Mew self-obtained with various natures that aren't listed since I transferred them to Gen 7 and can't upload pk7 yet.


    # #/pandaglassjaw
    # .
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