[svirtual] Hello everyone, please check out MY SPREADSHEET and let me know if you have any questions. Please note, as of yesterday all my events are in Pokemon HOME. I am not used to it, so please bear with me through any confusion. I think the only way I can trade now is through HOME. All events are either self-redeemed, or legitimately traded on r/ pokemontrades. Popular events in stock: Play! 2016 Mewtwo Mac Hoopa XYZ Trio PGL Miltank Nebel Volcanion PC Hiroshima Magikarp More! Popular comp RNG/FC: ★ Articuno moonball ★ Moltres moonball ★ Landorus luxuryball ★ perfect Dittos ★ perfect legendries ★ Tornadus dreamball More! Popular comp ★shiny: Charizard luxuryball Salamence nestball comp Smeargles Lopunny dreamball Rhyperior heavyball More! [My FlairHQ] [Reference Thread] # #/capnsafetypants . .