Sold [H] Fresh Handmade & Ready-to-Go EDU Student E-Mail Addresses (Not Random Bot Generated) /...

Discussion in 'EDU Emails for Sale | Buy & Sell EDU Accounts | Safe & Fast' started by /u/PenguinWithRabies, 10/31/18.

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  1. /u/PenguinWithRabies

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    $3.50 for a ready to go

    $8.00 for a custom

    I can also get UNiDAYS set up for you for $2.50 extra or let you use one of mine for the same price so you can get the discounts

    Office 365 , Google Drive (let me know if this is the selling point, some will have unlimited where as others will have the Office 365 Pro Plus and One Drive with a TB of space) loads of discounts, free software and so much more! .



    For the 100th time, I will not promise GitHub Student Dev Pack any more due to some people being extremely computer illiterate and screwing things up and costing me hours of frustration and time spent walking them through obvious things. It is possible to get, and I have done it with some of the domains of the EDU addresses here, you will need a custom one so you have school account access and I can help you with a tip after that, but you are on your own

    # #/PenguinWithRabies
    # .
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