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Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/ChrisDoukas, 12/16/24 at 5:02 PM.

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  1. /u/ChrisDoukas

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    Hello! I selling these events if 2 or more interest in the same event then will be an auction

    All events are stock redeem (not save manager or anything like that) and still on their original gens expert the pcny events

    PCNY Mareep



    Dantrain1> me

    Eng lang


    (Touched lv 22)

    PCNY Wynaut




    Eng lang


    Nuketta wobbuffet

    OT: ヌケッタ

    ID: 12063

    Impish nature

    JPN Lang

    iceposs2000 > me


    Preorder hisui Zoroark


    ID: 357276, 443512, 219672, 786524, 36194, 789596, 413982

    Self download

    Eng lang

    10€+fees each

    Japan championship Taloflame

    OT: ナーク

    ID: 240601

    Self download

    8€+ fees

    Patrick Connors's Pelipper

    OT: Patrick

    ID: 241115

    Self Download

    10€ no fees

    Lunar magikarp

    OT: Lunar

    ID: 170128

    Adamant nature

    ENG lang

    Duplicated_ > anarchy579 > valere1213 > me


    Shiny iron valiant

    OT: ChrisDoukas

    ID: 789596

    Eng lang

    Upbeat mark

    Caught with love ball

    Self caught

    6€+ fees

    Shiny froakie

    OT: ChrisDoukas

    ID: 789596

    Timid nature

    Eng lang

    Caught in luxury ball

    With angry mark

    Self caught

    8€+ fees


    Thanks in advance

    # #/ChrisDoukas
    . .
    #1 /u/ChrisDoukas, 12/16/24 at 5:02 PM
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/21/24 at 2:25 AM
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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