[svirtual] Reference Hello, Today I am looking to sell some events and shinies. Events Anything in my EventTracking page. Inquire for price. All highly #. Shinies Spreadsheet. $1.50 each unless HP, 6 IV, or rare gender ratio. Inquire for individual prices on these Pokemon. FAQ Do you use save backups? Yes. I also have most of the .pk6 files for these Pokemon. I can share these with you upon purchase. I highly recommend storing the .pk files for your Pokemon some place safe. Either way, I will promptly delete the file after the trade has concluded. Are the Pokemon from generations III-VI moved to generation VII? No, but I can move them if you want. Are you willing to part with any of your other events that you have not linked to above? Not right now. Thank you, and happy trading! # #/willster191 # .