Sold [H] EU Shop --> WoW/game time, Black Ops 4 (incl. Battle Edition), Destiny 2...

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Black Ops 4 BO4 Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/Dellariox, 12/15/18.

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  1. /u/Dellariox

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    I am offering to sell anything from the Blizzard shop (EU) for 70% of the retail value sent to me through PayPal.

    I have 300€+ of Blizzard Wallet balance (Europe), which I accumulated through playing WoW and turning gold into WoW tokens and then redeeming those tokens for balance.

    I can sell any game that is giftable such as:

    WoW and game time, Black Ops 4, Overwatch, Destiny 2, Diablo 3, Warcraft 3 Remastered, Starcraft, as well as some in-game items...

    Some of these games/items (like BO4, Destiny 2) have a requirement for us to be friends on battle net for 3 days before I am able to send the gift through battle net.


    WoW game time- 10€ for 1 month, 19€ for 2 monthsBlack Ops 4 Battle Edition - currently on # at Blizzard shop, so i sell it for only 21€!Overwatch - 27€Destiny 2 - 20€Warcraft 3 Reforged - 20€Diablo 3 - 13€

    Here is my SGS flair profile, I am obviously new here, so I guess I can go first if you prove to be trustworthy!!

    Here is also my profile--->

    # #/Dellariox
    # .
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