Sold [H] Destiny 2 account on steam [W] £220 PayPal or nearest offer

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/Nigro_on_cracka, 4/15/24.

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  1. /u/Nigro_on_cracka

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    i have a destiny 2 account that is on steam and linked to an xbox account. This account will be a great account for people to come back to the game for either into the light or the next annual expansion, the final shape. i can provide the xbox details if the buyer wishes or unlink the account if wanted.

    it has over 160 exotics such as thorn, izinagis burden, ghorn etc, multiple god roll weapons and can have 100 100 stats on all characters All characters have PVP and PVE builds and are endgame ready for those who want to jump straight into endgame activities

    the account has deluxe lightfall and all currently released DLCS

    Flamekeeper, glorious and conqueor title unlocked

    if you are interested please DM me or add the discord below, images are also linked below if you want to see images prior to messaging, I can also screen share on discord to show the account

    Payment through paypal only £220 or nearest offer, price is #

    IMGUR -

    Discord - hesitate9374

    # #/Nigro_on_cracka
    # .
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