Sold [H] Custom TSV Shinies | Battle Readying Pokemon [W] PayPal Only

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Qrow_Ravyn, 7/7/18.

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  1. /u/Qrow_Ravyn

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    Hello and thanks for taking a look at my shop!

    Notice: All pokemon I trade/sell are RNG’d unless otherwise stated.

    As of right now I am only doing gen 6 and 7 pokemon, sometime in the future i will try and include all other gens.

    I only accept payments through PayPal, I request that you pay for the fees with all transactions, you can use this to properly calculate the price of fees.

    Custom Ordered Shinies:

    If you do not know your TSV I will match it to mine. For the pokemon you desire please send me the specifics using this format:

    TSV: 1234

    shinyfwend (Sableye) ← Put nickname followed by the actual pokemon (unless no nickname)

    Ability: Prankster (H) ← H is representing Hidden Ability


    Friend Ball ← List of legally obtainable balls can be found here

    Bold Nature

    - Recover ← In the move section please bold your desired egg moves.

    - Nasty Plot

    - Mean Look

    - Sucker Punch


    Hidden Power​
    12.5% Gender​
    Incense Pkmn

    These pokemon will only come with proof upon request please do not request for proof after I have fulfilled the order.

    Battle Readying Pokemon:

    I also offer the service of making pokemon (whether rnged by me or not) Battle Ready for $2, this includes leveling up to 100, EV training them in the desired stats, giving desired moves, and item. When requesting for this service please format the desired pokemon information like this:

    shinyfwend (Sableye) @ Sablenite

    Ability: Prankster


    EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA

    Bold Nature

    - Recover ← Bold the desired egg moves

    - Nasty Plot

    - Dark Pulse

    - Wil-o-Wisp

    Legendary codes:

    Shiny Zygarde (7 left) - $1.00

    Entei/Raikou (39 left) - 0.75¢

    My reference:

    # #/Qrow_Ravyn
    # .
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