[H] Custom OT Shiny Celesteela in UB, 60+ GBL Shiny, PoGo Shinies [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Other Accounts for Sale - Archived POGO Account' started by /u/Slow_Illustrator_619, 7/1/24.

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  1. /u/Slow_Illustrator_619

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    [svirtual] hello all!

    I am selling GBL / research / raid caught still in GO /in HOME shiny legend/mythical

    Trades will be done instantly, or I will do it at your convenience when you pay.

    Everything is price + fees unless otherwise discussed, bulk deals available

    (Ask if you don’t see what you’re looking for, I have non legend in go shinies too)

    L15 UB Shiny Genesect traded for with Uskskely $100 OT: Uskskely ID; 576026

    Shiny Pogo Premier Ball Xurkitree Self Caught $25 (Locked to Sendai Go Fest Event until July Global GO Fest)

    Shiny Pogo Premier Ball Pheromosa Self Caught $25 (Locked to Madrid Go Fest Event until July Global GO Fest)

    Shiny Pokeball unown ? $30 (Locked to in Person Go Fest 2024 )

    Necrozma WILL be added as soon as home transfer is available.

    In pogo: GBL/research shiny legends All are still in GO , SHINY, will have ID 655705/310524 OT Jay unless otherwise specified for custom OT

    I can make them any language tag in home , but the ID will be different , I will inform of it before trade

    L22 GB Speed Deoxys $35 traded for with toxicfun custom ot available

    L20 UB Shiny Celesteela $175 traded for with cleptomex. Custom OT available.

    L15 PB Shiny Jirachi traded for on DC with zoeann $40

    L16 PB Shiny Mew traded for on DC with Zoeann $30

    L25 MB Shiny 100% IV Mewtwo (5IV guaranteed in home, speed is 1/6 roll) $125

    L20 MB XXL Shiny Groudon $150 Self caught

    L15 XXS Shiny Regigigas $150 PB traded for on DC with zotachi

    L20 MB: $70 each

    Mewtwo(L25), Rayquaza , Dialga, Kyurem, Yveltal, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Kartana, Celesteela

    L1 PB Uxie,Azelf,Mesprit $25 each

    L1 UB Uxie, Azelf $15

    L1 GB XXS Azelf, PB Mesprit, UB Uxie $115 each

    L1 PB XXS Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit $120 each

    L1 PB XXL Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit $115 each 300 all

    L1 MB Mesprit $75

    L1 MB XXL Azelf, Mesprit $250 each

    L15 MB Darkrai $250

    L15 MB Regigigas $250

    L15 PB Regigigas $45 obtained from user on FB messenger (custom OT available)

    L15 GB Regigigas $40 Obtained from user imrv on DC (custom OT available)

    L15 UB Regigigas $30 Obtained from DC user dc1yesdale (custom OT available)

    ( bundle for all PB,GB,UB regi)^

    L15 UB Zapdos/Mewtwo $23/28 traded for on DC Calvita720252/MVPllAntaresll

    L20 PB/UB Mewtwo $28/25 Traded for on DC with user donzaloog69/slayers20

    L15 UB Raikou $15 Traded for on DC with slixy

    L20 UB Entei $25 Traded for with user on fb messenger (GBL)

    L15 GB/UB Lugia $25 traded for on DC with user Notbachert /EMTday

    L20 PB/UB Lugia $25/20 Traded for on DC with user winnermanx, mrdr2012

    L15 UB Ho oh $20 Traded for on FB messenger

    L20 PB Registeel $30 traded for on DC with toefish

    L15/20 UB Regice $20/17 Traded for on DC with sanbeer1/2bezuz

    L15 UB Groudon $20 Traded for on DC with kgbryan68

    L20 UB Groudon $20 Traded for on Dc with legendarylink0

    L20 UB Azelf/Mesprit/Uxie $15 Traded for on whatsapp /DC with Naderx7, firestyleitachi (GBL caught )

    L15/20 GB/ UB Heatran $25/20 traded for on DC with blakedaboss12/ fb messenger

    L20 UB regigigas $20 Traded for on DC with user worldplaya

    L20 GB/UB Dialga $25 traded for on dc with user papaya645, wingdarkzero

    Level 50 UB Dialga $35 traded for on DC with user HknkInky

    L20 PB/GB/UB Palkia $30/25 Traded for on DC with users Davelovesgraal/iLugia1007

    L20 GB/UB Giratina $25 Traded for on DC with user Papaya645/1shura369

    L20/15 GB/UB Cresselia $18/20 Traded for on DC with Sujai0105 / fb messenger

    L20 UB cobalion/terrakion $25 Traded for on DC with elnegorcrack/urbanhermit78

    L20 GB Cobalion/Terrakion/Virizion $25 Traded for on DC with user worldplaya/ papaya645/FB messenger

    L20 UB Landorus (T) $25 Traded for on FB messenger with user

    L20/22 UB/GB Tornadus (T) $25/22 traded for on Dc with user BetePuchur / user. On fb messenger

    L20 PB/UB Thundurus (T) $30/25 Traded for on FB messenger with user

    L20 GB Thundurus (I) $25 Traded for on DC with Richard r

    L20 UB Reshi/Zekrom/Kyurem $25 Traded for on DC with user(s) ChillBoonster, donzaloog69

    L25 GB Kyurem $15 Traded for on DC with Papaya645

    L20 UB Xerneas $25 Traded for on DC with user demonking914778

    L20 UB Tapu Lele $25 Traded for with user on fb messenger

    L20 UB tapu bulu $25 Traded for on DC with user joqqs31

    L20 PB/UB Tapu Fini $30/25 traded for on DC with user Creysi5/detkittla

    L20 PB Kartana $40 traded for on dc with griffinpost

    L20 UB Celesteela $200 traded for with cleptomex.

    From raids(self caught) everything will have ID: 655705/310524 and OT: Jay unless otherwise specified.

    Shiny: articuno/Zapdos/moltres/mewtwo/suicune/entei/raikou/ho-oh/lugia /groudon/kyogre/rayquaza/cress/ heatran/dialga/palkia/regigigas/ terrakion/kyurem/xerneas/yveltal/nihilego/guzz $6 each Celesteela /kartana $7

    Shiny darkrai $8

    Shiny egg self hatched with ID 655705 and OT: Jay or custom OT

    L20 Azurill/cleffa/riolu/happiny/bonsly/pichu $7 each

    Wild shinies range from $4-10 depending on event, rarity, candy required for evo. Majority of pogo shinies available still in GO. Will offer bulk # , have done bulk orders multiple times.

    White stripe basculin $25(locked to sinnoh tour)

    Regional/oricorio/flabebe shinies $4 each

    Shiny Furfrou $7 per trim $9 for heart trim 45 for entire set of 10

    Non shiny mythicals Includes: Mew, celebi, jirachi, shaymin (normal or sky),victini, meloetta, hoopa $6 cosmog $5 great/ultra ball diancie $10

    Diancie $8

    In HOME: I have pictures of all Pokémon

    L15 PB Darkrai $25 obtained from user on FB messenger OT: kupper ID: 669308 Docile (SP-EU)

    L15 PB Darkrai $25 obtained from user on FB messenger OT: Panda ID: 473776 Hasty (SP-EU)

    L15 GB Darkrai $20 obtained from user on FB messenger OT: Jay ID: 310524 Docile

    L20 GB/UB Shiny Darkrai OT: Jay ID: 310524 traded for on DC with user papaya645/ricardr. Gentle/Quiet $18

    L20 PB Shiny Cresselia $12 ID: 618515 OT: Jay traded for on DC with user Rainn sassy

    L21 UB shiny Kyogre $7 OT: Jay ID:635929 Careful. traded for on FB messenger

    L26 UB Shiny Ho-Oh $8 OT: Jay ID: 655705 self caught/ sent to home Careful

    L20 UB shiny Regirock $12 OT: Jay ID: 016600 Traded for on DC with lFritsche Gentle

    L15 UB Shiny Regirock $13 OT: Jay ID: 028634 Traded for on DC with cg97 Careful

    L21 PB Shiny Regice $12 OT: Jay ID: 655705 self caught/sent to home Rash

    L22 UB shiny registeel $10 OT: Jay ID: 655705Lax self sent

    L15 PB Shiny registeel $14 OT: Jay ID: 960814 Adamant Traded for on DC w cg97

    L21 UB shiny groudon $8 OT: Jay ID: 655705 self sent Calm

    L31 GB shiny dialga $6 OT: Jay ID: 655705 Naive . Traded for on FB messenger

    L20 GB shiny giratina $15 OT: Jay ID: 108465 Traded for on DC with 8v7 Quirky

    L20 UB shiny regigigas $13 OT: Jay ID:884657 Serious. traded for on dc with worldplaya

    L21 PB Shiny terrakion $13 OT: Jay ID: 655705 Naughty. Self caught and self sent

    L21 GB Shiny Virizion $12 OT: Jay ID: 655705 Self caught / self sent Careful

    DC=Discord FB=Facebook WA=WhatsApp

    in HOME LVL 100 POGO stamped from HOME glitch on 06/15/23 with OT: Jay ID: 655705 unless otherwise specified for ID

    UB L100 Shiny Raikou $150 self caught OT: Jay ID: 655705 Lax.

    Masterball L100 Shiny Mewtwo $500 self caught OT: Jay ID: 655705 Bashful 1/1

    UB L100 Shiny Darkrai $300 traded for on DC with user ryankay OT: Jay ID:092047 Mild

    Premier Ball L100 Shiny Yveltal/Xerneas $150 or $250 for bundle self caught OT: Jay ID: 655705 Relaxed/Brave

    GB L100 Virizion self caught OT: Jay ID: 655705 Jolly $230

    Premier Ball L100 Shiny Deoxys Normal Form ID: Jay OT: 655705 Sassy $275 self caught

    I also have normal shinies from pogo just ask please I will likely have it or can get it within a few days

    Prices are flexible / bulk deals available

    Everything is caught or traded with rooted android / gps joystick

    I will trade you in Pokémon HOME

    My ref / check past posts to see successful transactions. Thanks for your time!

    # #/Slow_Illustrator_619
    . .
    #1 /u/Slow_Illustrator_619, 7/1/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/6/24
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